Saturday, January 12, 2019

Body, soul and spirit “trinity” (I) Biblically holistic health

I am fond of saying, that secular research, though often diverted largely through false presuppositions, will eventually find the truth. It just might take a very long time! And it has been my observation, that many times what is happening when the research is correct, is that it is rediscovering Biblical wisdom and Biblical principles. In particular, this is starting to be the case with the somewhat controversial concept of holistic medicine. Googling the subject I came across two statements that captured my attention. I will deal today with the first one “Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person -- body, mind, spirit, and emotions.” If we think of the soul as mind, will, and emotions, then holistic medicine is dealing with our “trinity” body, soul and spirit.

The Scripture tells us is that we need to test all things and hold fast to that which is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21). So we need to ask some important questions of the secular version of holistic medicine. In particular what in the secular view, is the spirit, and what form of spirituality are we talking about?" Words matter, and it’s important to realize our words may not have the same meaning as the secular meaning. Nevertheless, the point of testing all things is not to reject everything, but rather to discern what is true Biblically and hold fast to it. Having said this, I do need to add, that at times secular research has shed light for me on Biblical truth. An example of this from family systems therapy, is a device called the genogram

A genogram it is something akin to a family tree, but adds the history of family difficulties, such as alcoholism, suicide, codependency etc., etc. The point of the genogram from the secular point of view, is to recognize handed down patterns of behaviour, and to do this with a view to make interventions that bring change. For me this throws light on the Biblical statement that the iniquities of the fathers are visited on the children to the third and fourth generation (Exodus 20:5 NKJV -“visited” not “punished” as in the NIV as this would contradict Ezekiel 18:20). I think of this “visiting,” as a form of infection, which may or may not be caught by the children. The Bible of course also gives the solution, it is to "love God, and obey His commandments" (Exodus 20:6).

Father, in order to claim the promise of steadfast love and mercy to our descendants (Exodus 20:6 again), we need to link “love God” as above, with the first commandment to love You with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength (Mark 12:30). And we also need to link “obey His commandments” to presenting our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to you (Romans 12:1). Anything less is not worthy of all that You did for us on Calvary. So I asked this morning Lord, that You would give each and every one of us a heart to love and obey You in these ways in Jesus Name Amen

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