Saturday, April 20, 2019

It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming (II) Saturday

I said last day that I see the victorious Christian life as a series of deaths and resurrections. The periods between the deaths (Fridays) and resurrections (Sundays) are likely no fun. The desert fathers spoke of these periods (plural) as the dark night of the soul. All the heroes of Scripture seemed to need to go through them (i.e. Joseph, David, Jeremiah, Daniel etc.). Scripture also tell us that “Unless a seed die, it abides alone, but if it dies, it produces much fruit” (John 12:24). The analogy of wheat is interesting, because although the initial growth in the ground is hidden, it is not that nothing is happening. The point, is that though the growth is invisible, the seed is germinating. What I am saying, is that the “Saturdays,” the periods between the deaths and resurrections, are every bit as important to our growth as the rest of it. If we don't know this, it can be discouraging.

As Jesus went willingly (but not without struggle) to the cross (Luke 22:42), so if we are to produce the fruit He destines us to produce, we need to stop fighting the deaths and submit to the process. We are to take up our cross daily (Luke 9:32), and by the Spirit WE are to put to death the deeds of flesh (Romans 8:13). When we do our part, He does His. But what does our part, our submission look like? Well first of all we need to stop saying “My way is hidden from the LORD, And my just claim is passed over by my God” (Isaiah 40:27). And we need to remind ourselves that “He is Creator of the ends of the earth,” that “He gives power to the weak” (verses 28, 29), and that those who wait in hope on the Lord will soar like the eagle (verse 31 NKJV, NIV).

Part of waiting in hope, is about learning to wait patiently (Psalm 40:1). And it is something we need to learn (Philippians 4:11)! I always knew from the last Psalm reference that I needed to wait patiently. After several years of waiting for my miracle, the Lord asked me if I had waited patiently. All I could say at the time, was that I had waited, waiting patiently was a different matter. In fact I knew (in my head) all the above Scriptures, but I clearly needed more time in the womb of the tomb! And like the last two full years of Joseph's wait in hope (Genesis 41:1) the character polishing was not fully complete. What I think we can learn from Joseph however, is that when we cooperate with Him instead of fighting Him, then the longer the wait, the greater the exaltation. After all does He not tell us “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time” (1 Peter 5:6).

Father, I am thinking that it is no coincidence that You brought the chorus “Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)” to my attention this morning, as I was worshiping. When oceans rise I will, with Your help, keep my eyes above the waves, and I will, again with Your help, wait and rest in hope and faith. Thank You for Your promise, that those who sow in tears will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them (Psalm 126:5,6). Thank You that Your promises are true. And I praise and bless You again this morning for this, and many other things in Jesus Name Amen

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