Sunday, April 28, 2019

Why is it important to know the nature of God?

“To know, know, know you, is to love, love, love you,” it is a line from an ancient (in terms of my lifetime) popular song. But Jordon Peterson, talking about why we need vows in marriage, says it is because “You are trouble, and so am I.” The point is that we need strong glue to enable us to push through the garbage we all inevitably bring into long term relationships. Without strong commitment, we will likely, with the rest of the world, commit only to “As long as it feels good!” The one who wrote the song was clearly still in the honeymoon stage. And the honeymoon only lasts until the mutual rampant selfishness out of which, without intervention, we all operate rears its ugly head.

In fact all our relationships seem to operate like this. I have noticed, that with new believers there also seems to be a honeymoon stage in their relationship with God. If this is the case with you or me, we need to ask ourselves “Is it me, or is it God?” It seems to me we cannot truly get to know God or anyone else, without at the same time getting to know ourselves. With our default being blame, we tend to project our own faults on others (Romans 2:1). For example the person who seems to me to be the most manipulative person I have ever met, accused me of bing manipulative! Well perhaps it’s me! But one thing I know, is that God is not manipulative or controlling. We see this from the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). The Father goes above and beyond the “second mile.” So when my relationship with Him is not what it should be, I know who has moved, it is me! How do I know this? Well because I am coming to know both my own nature and His.

Now God has demonstrated His love to us in that while we were still His enemies Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). In fact God is good all the time, and His mercy endures forever (Psalm 100:5). Does it always feel that way? Well, Jesus told us before He left that “In this world you will have tribulation” (John 16:33). But when we know His sovereign nature and power, we also know that it will all work our for our good. When we know God is good, we know how to answer Job's question “Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity” (Job 2:10). If we do not know the nature of God, we are likely to “curse God and die” (Job 2:9). And when we know Him as He is, we can commit to trust “though He slay me” (Job 13:15). And when we do this we also know that we will move from simply having herd about Him, to the experience of "seeing Him" (Job 42:5) and His wonderful faithfulness and nature.

Father, I choose and commit to trust You this morning in and through all that You allow, and all that You send my way. I know more and more that Your Grace is sufficient for me, and I also know that You have never left me nor forsaken me, even when I failed You. Thank You for the nature and reality of Your unconditional love and Mercy. And thank You for joy even in the midst of the pain and the toil. Truly to know You is to love You, for You are Good and Your Mercy endures forever in Jesus Name Amen

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