Sunday, July 21, 2019

Leave, cleave, one flesh (V) Breaking ungodly one flesh soul ties

After the breakup of my first marriage I hardened my heart saying “I can forget any woman.” But what I couldn't do was to harden my heart against my precious little daughter. And the Lord used this to get under my radar and to bring me to repentance and salvation. We have talked about “becoming one flesh” as the Biblical description of sexual intimacy, and the separation of that one flesh as a tearing. Since any such union has a spiritual component, the picture I have of that tearing, is that it is jagged rather than a neat tear. In particular, I leave part of myself with her and she leaves part of herself with me. Some tears are more jagged than others. As with an unhealthy leaving of our parents, we can to various degrees, fail to separate emotionally and/or spiritually in the tearing asunder of the one flesh unions.
In a culture where over our lifetime multiple partners are the norm, the heart is inevitably affected. A hardened heart is still, in some sense, broken, but in any case Jesus came to heal broken hearts and to set captive hearts free (Luke 4:18). It is the Lord’s intention, as we cooperate with Him, to give us tender hearts, and first and foremost in this, we need to forgive on another (Ephesians 4:32 NKJV). But as with many other aspects of reaping what we have sown, we need to take away the legal rights of the enemy to continue to use this to kill, steal and destroy in our lives (John 10:10a).  One of the Kingdom keys that Lord has been revealing in these days, is how to interpose the cross in the  breaking of ungodly soul ties. Ungodly soul ties can be formed in much wider circumstance that one flesh soul ties, but it certainly includes them.
A soul tie is a way of describing our various ways of bonding. Since, being made in the image of God we are body, soul and spirit, then we can bond in any one of these ways, or in various combinations thereof. As I said before, in marriage we are intended to bond in a godly way in  all three  aspects of our being. Depending on the nature of what it is that binds us together, soul ties can be godly or ungodly, An example of an ungodly soul tie is one that's formed when we become one flesh with a prostitute (1 Corinthians 6:16). But there can be ungodly aspects of otherwise godly soul ties if, for example, there is manipulation and control. In modern parlance this is called codependency. We break ungodly soul times by placing the cross between the sowing and reaping. Below is a sample prayer that enables the start of the process the healing and of being set free:-
Father, I confess all emotional and spiritual ungodly soul ties with Jane Doe. I forgive her for her part in our ungodly soul ties, and I ask Your forgiveness Lord for my sin that resulted in them. I give back to Jane Doe anything that I may have taken from her, and I receive back anything she took from me. I place the cross between our sowing and reaping in this area.  I renounce and break all these ungodly soul ties, and I release us both from them. I renounce and cancel all legal rights of the enemy to continue to use my sin for evil, and I receive Your healing and freedom in Jesus Name Amen

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