Monday, July 29, 2019

You have ravished my heart with one glance of your eyes

We must make sure that any allegorical interpretation we make of Scripture is confirmed by sound theology that can be found elsewhere in the Scriptures. Otherwise we can “make” (as in force)  the Scripture say just about anything we want! The allegory we are looking at this morning,  is Solomon’s love for His bride as a picture of  God’s love for you and me, and that He is ravished by us (Song of Solomon 4:9).  I know that some draw back,   and are even offended by such a picture, But I think it likely that part of that,  is that in our culture  we have come to see love only in sexual terms. It seems to me that the allegory meant to be startling,  but not sexual.  It is easy to pass over a statement such as “Jesus loves you,” but the thought, if we receive it, that He is ravished by me and you, yes you, is startling. It is meant to be!  He wants you to know it, me too!

In Jewish tradition there was a period of betrothal that lasted at least a year. The marriage would only be consummated after the full wedding in obedience to the divine order leave, cleave,  one flesh (Genesis 2:24). With this commitment,  the phileo (friendship) love would flourish,  and not be stunted  eros (sexual) love. And to come to the Biblical warrant for both  the allegory and its chaste nature, we read what Paul said, speaking to the Corinthian converts that “I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.”  And yes it is both male, and female, and what Paul is saying is also allegory. The point is that the closest we can come in human experience to the pure,  passionate,  undefiled,  unconditional love of God for His bride the church, is the mystery of the marriage relationship (Ephesians 5:25-27, 29-32).

I remember being captivated by the eyes of the woman who would become my wife. It changed my mind about my decision not to pursue her.  There was a tenderness, a pure and gentle love in her eyes that melted my defensive heart. The fact is though,   that that our best and purest  love is like  drop in a bucket compared to the Love that God has for You and me.  His love is multidimensional and incomprehensible in its depth and length and height and breadth, and we are meant to know, as in experience this (Ephesians 3:17-19). And when we do, it is life changing. I believe this morning that He intends when we get a glimpse of this, that we pursue Him even more than I  perused my then future wife. And we need to do it with all our heart,  mind soul and strength.  It’s the only way to fly. We need to ponder these things in our hearts.

Father, thank You for the various pictures of Your love for us in the Scriptures. In addition to this allegory I am thinking this morning, about how I believe in a loving home,  the father’s pure and safe love is intended to love his daughter into life, so that she may open up like a flower. So also is Your love.  Jesus,  I don’t think I will ever get past the stage where I need a fresh revelation of Your love,  nor am I intended to!  So I ask for it this morning Lord,  in Your precious Name Amen

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