Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength (IV) trinitarian loving

“Isn’t trinity three, not four (heart, mind, soul and strength), and isn’t human ‘trinity’  body, soul and spirit” you ask?  Well we could force three, I mean with all the strength of your heart, mind,  soul!  And  the Scripture has different ways of   expressing   these things, they are not so much scientific terms! The essence of what I have called “trinity” (lower case ’t’) is unity in diversity,  interconnectedness and interrelatedness. With respect to this morning’s ‘trinity,’ we don’t always get these things in balance. It’s clear to me, for example that there are those who love God with their mind, but not with their heart or soul. On the other hand, because it can be difficult,   some have thrown away loving God with   their mind. I have often been asked “How can you, a Mathematician,   even believe?” The simplest answer, is that it follows from the scientific principle of cause and effect. And since, as science tells us, the universe had a beginning, then someone or something must have caused it. That that something is the God of the Bible, is a longer discussion.

It it clear that there heartlessness, soullessness and mindlessness  both inside and outside the church. I have called heart, mind and soul trinity, because if any one  is missing it is not, in my not always humble opinion, authentic Christianity. I can have all knowledge and give away all my goods to the poor for example, but if I don’t love either God or man I am nothing (1 Corinthians 13:2,3). I can be passionate about God, know a thousand Bible verses, be an awesome debater and defender of the faith, but be heartless when it comes to the poor and needy (James 2:16, 17).  But you might ask "how is this not loving God?” Well the point is, that  the second commandment is “like unto” the first. In other words loving God and loving my neighbour are inseparable (Matthew 22:37-39).

The dictionary gives an illustrative example of soullessness “It is just a painted face, pretty,  but shallow and soulless.” We can be soulless as a result of abuse, operating defensively as a means of coping with life. We are soulless at some level when our way of operating is people pleasing, or in fact in any of the multitude of ways we can operate out of an orphan spirit. So what does it mean to love Him with all our soul?  Well, at least part of it is to trust Him enough to bring our soul hurts, habits and hangups  as living sacrifices to Him so that He can heal and transform us.  This, we are told, is our spiritual act of (love and) worship (Romans 12:1,2 NIV). And part of this, is to come to Him to find healing and soul rest as we take His yoke upon us (Matthew 11:29; Luke 4:18). 

Lord Jesus, most of us are so damaged and beaten up by life, that we have found ways to cope, to survive, but  have not entered into the promised life in all its fullness (John 10:10b). Only when we love You with all our hearts, minds and souls in total surrender,  will be find rest, healing, peace and joy. It's a process Lord, and as we do our part, then You do Yours and we are drawn ever deeper in You who is love incarnate. Help us to abide in Your love, so that You might abide in us (John15:9; 1 John 2:8) in Your precious  and Holy Name Amen

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