Sunday, January 19, 2020

After two full years, Pharaoh had a dream

Apart from being a tad unwise in sharing his dreams (Genesis 37:5-11), Joseph had done nothing wrong, but he had suffered anyway. Sold into slavery by his brothers (verse 28), falsely accused of rape and thrown into prison, he had at each stage found favour with those who were over him (39:7-23). Now in prison he had correctly interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh's cup bearer and baker who had also been thrown into prison. The meaning of the dreams were that the cup bearer woud be released, and the baker beheaded. Joseph asked the cup bearer to ask Pharaoh to release him on the grounds that he had done nothing wrong (Genesis 40:1-14). Clearly God was at work here, and this would be God's way of vindicating Joseph and getting him out of jail. But the cup bearer simply forgot! And now two full years later, Pharaoh had a dream which would jog the cup bearer's memory. Joseph was brought to Pharaoh,  and in fact was promoted to be second only to Pharaoh (Genesis 41:1-40).

Two full years! We are not told how long he had endured the injustices from the time was sold into slavery until the start of the two full years, but the emphasis on “full” points to the fact that waiting is often difficult, and in Jospeph's case the two years waiting was continued waiting after what must have seemed like a very long time. And perhaps it was testing his patience! Joseph was dealing with two difficult things here, first of all he was suffering unjustly for things that were not his fault, and secondly he was having to wait for what must have seemed like forever. Have you ever wondered why God allows what He allows, and have you ever felt the difficulty of waiting for a promise to be fulfilled,  or for things to be put right? It's not easy, but then He never promised it would be!

I am not saying that I understand why God allows what He allows, but I do know that He works all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes (Romans 8:28). And a huge part of this, is character polishing (verse 29). In the midst of it all, we start to see what is in our hearts, it brings the dross to the surface where we can repent of false motives,  and the like. I know I would not be the same man had I not gone through and continue to go through the things He allows. Even when it is not “my fault,” I can sin by responding in the wrong way to wrong done. When we submit in humility to what He allows He has promised that He will exalt us in His (kairos) time.

Father, You have promised that those who wait in hope upon You will rise up on wings like eagles (Isaiah 40:31). Please give us (me) Your grace this morning to continue to wait on You. Thank You for Your promise and for Your help to continue to trust You through it all in Jesus Name Amen

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