Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Blessed is he who is not offended in Me

There were two verse that stood out to me in this morning's daily reading. The one above from Matthew 11:6, and “How long, O LORD? Will You forget me forever?” (Psalm 13:1). John (the Baptist) from prison had sent his disciples to Jesus asking “Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?” Likely John could identify with the Psalmist (David) in this morning's Psalm. John had done everything right, and was being persecuted for righteousness' sake, but was (also) likely not at the place where he was rejoicing and being exceedingly glad (Matthew 5:10, 12). My own (much less severe) experience of negative responses to things I believe I have done right, start off well. I am suffering for the Lord (martyr complex?). But as time goes on, and there's not the promised vindication anywhere on the horizon (Psalm 37:6), it is easy to take my eyes off the Lord and start to identify with David's cry!

Have you ever felt abandoned by the Lord? Part of my life instructions are to wait patiently on Him (Psalm 40:1). And I have waited, but not always patiently (How long oh Lord?)! In answer to John, Jesus points John to what He (Jesus) is doing “The blind see and the lame walk” etc., etc (verse 5). What Jesus is doing, is pointing John (and us) us away from our focus on what He is not yet doing, and onto what He is doing. When we get fixated on what we want, and when we want it (now), it can lead to our being offended in Him. “What about me?”

Neither John nor David were wrong to cry out to the Lord. Indeed when his soul was overwhelmed, David poured out his complaint to the Lord (Psalm 142:2,3). It is an essential part of getting back the right perspective. In the process of doing this, David remembers that in the past he has trusted in God's mercy and declares “My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.” He goes on to choose to sing to the Lord, recalling that God has always dealt bountifully with him (Psalm 13:5,6).

Father, thank You for Your Word, and for the example of Your saints. Thank You Lord that though You are never early, You are never late, and that what You allow, You allow so that Your purposes can be accomplished in me. I know that on that day, when I see things clearly, I will declare that You have done all things well. Thank You for the Grace to carry on, and to be steadfast and immovable always abounding in the work of the Lord in Jesus Name Amen

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