Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Please let your servant remain as a slave, instead of the lad

It's hard for me to figure out how I feel about what Joseph had done. He had essentially tortured his brothers by putting the money they had paid for the grain back in their sacs, and had had his cup put in Benjamin's sac. He did this as a means of accusing them, and bringing them back captive to him in fear and trembling (Genesis 44:1-13). But I have no doubt what I think about Judah's willingness to offer himself as Josephs' slave in place of Benjamin, as this morning's verse (33) tells us. At the very least it showed true repentance on the part of Judah, and in this action he is a type of Christ. Perhaps if Joseph had not done what he did, Judah would not have been brought to this place.

In this action, Judah is a type of Christ. I mean that Jesus came saying “My life for yours,” and Judah is saying “My life for Benjamin's.” And surly this is the essence of true repentance, the imitation of Christ, becoming like Him in His death, in this case the death of the self life. Indeed to voluntarily give ourselves in such sacrifice is to share in His sufferings, and to open the door to His resurrection power in our lives (Philippians 3:10).

But there are other lessons that can also be learned from this passage. In particular that true repentance can lead to true reconciliation among the brethren. We see Jospeh weeping for joy and kissing his brothers. He comforts them in the godly sorrow that had produced such repentance (see 2 Corinthians 7:10, 11). And we see Joseph seeing God's hand using his suffering to preserve life (45:5). I am reminded of Romans 8:28 which says “And we know that God work all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.”

Father, You do not call evil good, You do not say that what the brothers did was good. But You do tell us that You are the Sovereign God who works Your purposes and our benefit through whatever bad things happen. So Lord help us, like Joseph, to stop fighting the people and circumstance You allow in our lives. And please give us Your Grace to respond as Christ would have us respond in the happenstances of life. Lord we offer ourselves as living sacrifices this morning in order that we may tap into Your resurrection power. Forgive us when we fail Lord, and grant us true repentance in Jesus Name Amen

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