There is a line from a song we sing “Into the darkness You shine, out of the ashes we rise, there is no one like You, none like You (Our God is greater). You see for the Christian there is light, there is hope, when for the rest of the World there is no hope. The point is that we believe in the God of Resurrection, and He can and does restore what the enemy has stolen (John 10:10a). Well, He may or may not restore a broken marriage, we may not get the job back that we lost, but He has promised that He is actively at work for the good of those who love Him and have responded, or are choosing to respond in the midst of the trial, to His call (Romans 8:28). And as we were saying the other day, even when we have totally blown it He, the Potter, will restore us to a useful and fulfilling life as we submit to Him. Yes it is Friday, but Sunday is acoming!
And there is something that is encouraging to me, and I was talking about it the other day - the deeper the pit, the more tragic the form of our “death,” the more spectacular the resurrection, the more fulfillment we have in the subsequent ministry, and the greater the Glory He receives.
Father, no wonder we call You redeemer, no wonder we call You friend, no wonder we call You Lord for so You are. Lord for many of us it is Saturday, the day in between the promise that followed the death of all our hopes, and the fulfillment of the said promise. Lord You have promised that in You we can rise out of the ashes of the mess. We need your help Lord we cannot do it without You. We were not intended to! Help us Lord to wait on You for we know it will be worth it. And we give You all the honour and the Glory and the Praise in Jesus Name Amen