Sunday, March 4, 2018

Be angry and sin not

I was feeling bad yesterday, because I got very loud in seeking to mediate between two people who had no intention of being reconciled. I mean I am well aware, that the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God (James 1:20). On the other hand, the Scripture it tells us to be angry and sin not (Ephesians 4:26). Well I was angry, and in the past I belonged to the type of fellowship that equates being loud with sin. So it took me some time to work through my issue of getting very loud, and to decide if I needed to confess, or to rest in peace.

I am well aware, of the propensity in all of us to rationalize our behaviour. Not only this, but I am also aware of the tendency to think we are 100% right, and the other person 100% wrong. That was certainly happening with the other two people, but I also needed to admit my own tendencies in this regard. So I took it to the Lord.

And I needed to ask myself, at what point did I get loud. Well, this was not the only time I was loud, but the point that immediately came to mind, was the time the two of them were shouting at each other, and I shouted even louder for them to shut up. Based only on these facts, which may not be all the facts, what do you think? In other words, treat the question as hypothetical.

Father, thank You for the balance of Your Word. Thank You that it shows us clearly that it is possible to be angry and not to sin, but also that it can be wrong. In fact Jesus was angry on a number of occasions (i.e. John 2:15; Mark 3:5). Thank You too Lord, that when we need to sort issues like this through, You can be relied upon to show us the truth (James 1:5). And even if we sin, then after we have confessed and made restitution where necessary, then we can also rest in peace. And I pray this morning Lord, that this post will help others to work through their own issues with anger in Jesus Name Amen

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