The context of this quote from Jeremiah, is of Israel in exile in Babylon, and the Lord instructing them to be productive during the long duration of their captivity (verses 5-7). The default, when the Lord gives us a promise, is often to wait passively for its fulfillment. Our focus tends to be on the end result, but for the Lord it is the journey that is important, and in what He can accomplish through it when we fully cooperate with Him. Waiting has been described as a fire, and indeed it is. Indeed waiting is perhaps the most difficult lesson of all. But the harder the lesson, the more the Lord can accomplish through it. In particular in His hands waiting is a major tool to burn the character defects out of us. The defects that He knows are detrimental to the ministry, to the plans He has for us.
The Lord, in His Word, has given us many examples and encouragements to wait. I think of David in his cave hiding from Saul who wanted to murder him. I remember Joseph sold into slavery, falsely accused and thrown into jail before the prophecy of his brothers bowing before him came to pass. In each of these examples, the man that emerged at the end, was not the same man he was before the Lord started working on him. I’m not saying I have done this perfectly, but I do know in my own life, that I am not the same man that God started with over 20 years ago now.
Father, as You know I have wanted to give up many times. But You have always done something to encourage me to continue to believe and to trust that You will do what You told me You will do. You are not a man that you should lie. I could not have waited this long Father without great grace from Your throne of grace. But with You, I can run through a troop and leap over a wall (Psalm 18:29). In other words I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). And the glory is Yours Lord, all of it, not unto us but unto Your name be all the honour, glory and praise for ever, and ever, and ever in Jesus Name Amen
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