This morning’s quote from Acts 2:46, talks about being in accord in small groups (in houses), and in larger groups in the temple. Of course there were no denominations in those days, but it is clear from the teaching on unity, that we need to deal with denominational barriers. At the same time however, there were those in the temple, for example the Pharisees, with whom it was not possible to have fellowship. So they had to be criteria, that formed the basis of the fellowship that were talking about here.
And the context of this morning’s verse gives us these criteria. In particular in verse 42 we are told that they “devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” I’m not trying to say that this makes everything black and white, but it’s clear to me that there was great love, and an adherence to the truth as laid out by the apostolic teaching. And one of the things that I have noticed, in trying to interpret exactly what this all means, is the substantial agreement in the faith statements of parachurch organizations (Inter-varsity, OMF etc.). And it seems to me, that in accordance with the principle of iron sharpening iron (Proverbs 27:17), that this substantial agreement came about through the furnace of interdenominational dialogue.
Father, part of the apostolic teaching, is that there should be an openness and vulnerability in church (James 5:26). Without this even church is not safe, and it needs to be if it is to be a hospital for the sin sick. We need your help Father, to come out of our defensiveness, and to be the church militant. Only you can do this Lord, and I cry out to you this morning for you to move your church to be what you call us to be. And I’ll give you all the honour and glory and praise in Jesus Name Amen
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