Saturday, March 17, 2018

….. the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort

Our God is the father, the source, the initiator of many good things. He is a source of love, mercy and grace. In this quote from 2 Corinthians 1:3, we are being told that He is the source of compassion and comfort. The word translated here as compassion, is the same word used for one of the descriptions of the Holy Spirit, namely the One called alongside to comfort and equip.

Paul makes it clear in the verses that follow, that it is the Lord’s intention that we receive these gifts, and that having received them, we should be a channel of the same to this wicked and hurting world.

I am very aware this morning of my need for my Father’s compassion, and of my need to be compassionate with others. In the midst of conflict, it is not my default position! And so again and again, especially at such times, I need to drink in His comfort and compassion. I mean I cannot pass on what I am not receiving!

Father, as I meditate upon these things this morning, I am very aware of my need to be vitally connected to You moment by moment. Your mercy comfort and compassion cannot flow through me unless I am connected in this way to You, the very source of these things. Forgive me Father for the times but I have let anger, pride and other things disconnects me from You. Cleanse me again this morning Lord and continue to work Your compassion and comfort in and through me. And I give You all the honour and glory and praise in Jesus Name Amen

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