Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Do you want to be made whole?

We were talking yesterday, about the difference between wanting to become whole, and being willing to do whatever it takes to become whole. And I want to say a little more this morning. This question Jesus asked in this morning’s verse from John 5:6, was addressed to a man with an infirmity. He had been there at the pool of Bethesda for 38 years, waiting be healed. On a first reading, one is tempted to say ”I don’t want to be impertinent Jesus, but the man’s been there for 38 years waiting to be healed. So what kind of a question is it, asking him if he wants to be healed?”

But is not a stupid question, you can imagine the man asking “Will have to get a job, will I have to leave this place, these are the only people I’ve known for the past 38 years?” The point is there is always a price to pay for change, and it can be scary, very scary! I was told of a Facebook page recently that had a picture of a man grasping at barbed wire, and bleeding, but still not willing to let go. There is a recovery saying that we will not change until the pain of being stuck becomes greater than the pain and fear of change! Where you this morning, where am I?

The phrase “The devil you know,” comes to mind. And the fact of the matter is, that many times we are in denial that there is a problem at all. But the Lord it is always wanting and working to set us free (Luke 4:18). And in my own life, when the Lord has put his finger on something, wanting to set me free, I have often struggled, and struggled and struggled to let go. The interesting thing though, is that inevitably after I finally have let go, I shake my head wondering what the struggle was all about. On that side of the struggle, the struggle seems so pointless, and the path forward so logical and obvious! The point is, that Jesus came to bring us life in all its fullness (John 10:10b), and He wants to set us free (In John 8:32). And often He is wanting to set us free of from prisons of our own making.

Father, I don’t understand why change is so difficult, but it is! And I pray for myself and anyone reading this blog this morning, that we will learn to trust You more and more, and that we would learn to surrender early to the promptings of Your Spirit. Thank You for Your promise that if the Son shall set us free, we will be free indeed (John 8:36). And I thank You this morning Lord, that I am further along on this journey, than I was at the beginning, and yes I do want to be made whole. It is part of my not saying “no,” in Jesus Name Amen

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