Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Logos (IV) - My sheep hear my voice (7)

The primary way that God’s speaks to those of those who are open to hearing from Him, is through His Word. Being open to hearing from Him, is important. In fact Jesus illustrates how it is more than possible to read the Scriptures and to totally miss even the primary message (see the context of John 5:39, 40). And to say it again, hearing accurately it is not independent of absolute surrender, or obeying what we hear, and having true faith (John 5:40; Hebrews 3:15, 18, 19).

So the Bible is logos, and Jesus’s words are logos (John 5:24). Well they are rhama too (later), and His sheep, those who follow, hear! So to repeat, the Bible rightly interpreted, is the primary way that God speaks to us. Rightly interpreting the Bible is no easy task! And part of the difficulty, is that we are prone to isolate in our little group or denomination. And again, as I have already said, it is only really in agreement wrought through the furnace of interdenominational dialogue among those who hold a very high view of Scripture, that we can have confidence that our interpretations are correct, and discover what are the non-negotiable essentials. In particular, we can have confidence in the doctrines of salvation. These are the clearest, because these teachings of the Bible are its primary message (John 5:40; 20:31; 1 John 5:13).

But the Bible is much more than correct doctrine. Among other things, it gives us guidance, principles and promises. To explain briefly, with respect to guidance, when I first got saved, I was very tempted to give up my job at the University, thinking that God could not possibly want me in a secular institution. But then I read “Let every man stay in the same calling in which he was called” (1 Corinthians 7:20). The principle behind this, seems to be “no impulsive moves right after salvation.” Another example of a principle is that our choices have consequences, and that we are easily deceived in this (Galatians 6:7). As to promises, if we abide in His word we will know the truth and the truth will set us free indeed (John 8:32, 36). And as His sheep, we are to hear these things as we read! It goes without saying, that we sheep do need to read!

Farther, the depth and balance of Your Word amazes me. On the one hand it cautions us “Let he who thinks he knows something acknowledge that he knows nothing yet, as he ought to know” (1 Corinthians 8:2). And it never ceases to amaze me how much I still have to learn as I encounter different streams and ministries in Your body. On the other hand, it also cautions us against ever learning and never arriving at the knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 3:7). Thank you Lord, that the doctrines of salvation are so clear, so that I can have confidence in my place with You for ever. But help me Lord, to be diligent to present myself approved unto You, rightly dividing the logos of truth. In Jesus Name Amen

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