Thursday, September 13, 2018

Science when correct, is hearing the logos (words) of creation

One of the advantages of being in academia for over fifty years, is that you can look back and see first hand the self correcting nature of research. I have seen it in the various sciences, in academic religious studies, in psychology etc., etc. And many, though certainly not all, of the corrected errors, mistakes, false theories and conclusions were things that tended to refute the Judeo-Christian understanding of reality. From my point of view, many such errors stem from anti-theistic presuppositions as, for example, in the version of naturalism that contends that only the physical universe exists. But this morning I want to look at research’s ability, over time, to self correct.

It is interesting to note that systematic scientific study began in the Universities which in turn were started by the church. The systematic approach made sense because of the underlying theistic assumptions that God exists and that what He created had order that could be investigated. Scripture declares “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to search it out” (Proverbs 25:2). Einstein put it this way “God is subtle but not mean” In other words His secrets are hidden but can be sussed out.

But this widely accepted assumption makes no sense if the universe is nothing but the product of random chaotic events. Why would it make sense to suppose that you could discover immutable laws that govern chaos, or that it was a random chaotic explosion that had produced order. Even militant atheists like Richard Dawkins admit that the universe looks designed. So what I want to say this morning, is that because of its self correction nature, I believe that Science and faith will not ultimately contradict, and that most of the so called contradictions are contradictions among the underlying presuppositions. It could however take a very long time, because as Kuhn exhibits in his book “The nature of scientific revolution,” resistance to this self correction is often fierce.

Father, You tell us that the words (logos) that the heavens declare (Psalm 19:1-4 LXX) are clearly heard by created mankind. Many are in denial turning a dear ear, nevertheless we are without excuse (Romans 1:20). Lord please help those of us who know and love You, to so live our lives before You, that the World may see and fear and put their trust in You. We need Your help to here, we need Your logos and we need Your wisdom to know when and how to share Your logos with this wicked and hurting world. We also need to know when to shut up. I ask for these things in Jesus Name Amen

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