Monday, September 17, 2018

Knowing, knowing and knowing (V) Knowing God, His presence

I love the worship at the church I attended yesterday morning. I love the word there too, but I left after the worship, after we were admonished to hear the Lord singing to us over and over “I love you, I love you, I love you …” I left because, although I knew the Word would be good, what I needed more at that time, was His presence. I probably would not have been able listen in any case, because my spirit was restless! But in His presence there is comfort, healing, and fullness of joy. In His presence I can return to the peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7), and for this I needed alone time with Him.

The Scripture tells me to be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10). But many times before I can do that, I need like King David did, to pour out my complaint before the Lord (Psalm 142:2). I learned (am learning) this as the first step in stemming the flow of my obsessive thinking, you know the internal verbal diarrhoea that so easily besets us. And this outpouring really does need to be before Lord, not before my brother or sister. The problem when I pour out before others, is that it too easily become gossip and or judgement of others. Dr. Caroline Leaf describes what is happening before the Lord in Psalm 142 as “freaking out in the love zone.” God’s presence is a safe non-judgemental space (John 8:11; Romans 8:1), where I can be totally honest, and I can say what I am really feeling without consequences! I may need to repent of course, but I will not have said something to another human, that I can never fully take back! And He is big enough to take my outpouring!

In such outpouring, I do need to make sure, with His help, that I do not stay stuck in the complaint mode. To me the outpouring is simply the first part of replacing my anxiety with prayer, supplication and thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6). I would be lying if I said that I never pour out my complaint before another. But actually it is not as satisfying, well there is no comfort like His comfort. But another part of this is that when I pour out my complaint to another, I cannot afford to be completely honest. It might come back on me! But the love zone is safe, safe enough to admit to myself and God my own part in it all. And I know that He understands, perhaps nobody else can, but He does (Hebrews 4:15). And then when the complaining and confessing are done, and I start to work the supplication part (making requests) with thanksgiving. At this point, the peace that passes all understanding starts to kick in (Philippians 4:7), and I can start to quieten my heart and be still in His presence, and know that He is God.

Father, I want to thank You this morning for the research findings of Dr. Caroline Leaf, who has discovered that negative thoughts in the brain produce physical toxic chemicals. No wonder you command us to “Do everything without complaining or arguing” (Philippians 2:14). We need to obey Your Word in any case, but it is helpful to me to understand some of the reasons for Your admonitions. Truly Lord when You say no, it is for out provision and protection. Thank You Lord for all that You are and do in our lives, in Jesus Name Amen

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