Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Intimacy with God (IV) The dance

There is a sense in which intimacy with God and is exactly the same as intimacy with each other, and a sense in which it is not. It is different, because we know God is perfect and our earth earthly partners are not. But it’s the same, at least from our point of view, because there are bound to be misunderstandings. And at such times the temptation to not be real with God (and often with each other) is huge. It may sound silly, but we may have to forgive God. I can hear you protesting “But He never does anything wrong, He is God!” True enough, but it does not always feel like that!

There have been many times when in my mind’s eye, I have been in His embrace with His arms round me, and me pounding on His chest in frustration and even anger. He has made promises that He has not yet fulfilled. And yes it’s not over yet, but the delay is often painful as I need to keep my heart open, and you can get hurt again after, and hurt again after, and hurt again after! As an English lady friend of mine said one time “The trouble with God is that He has no sense of time!” On top of this, since our knowledge of God is not perfect, there are also bound to be misunderstandings. We have this tendency to project onto the Lord things that are simply not true. For example I knew that my father loved me, but in his workaholism (his way of coping with his issues) it was from a distance. He had so little time for me. And for the longest time, this is how I felt about God, He loved me from a distance. But it was a lie, He is a very present God (Psalm 46:1)!

In earthly relationships when we get hurt, we need to come apart for a while, to give each other space. But when we love each other, we do need to come back together, to sort out our misunderstandings, and to forgive and receive forgiveness. The scripture puts it this way, there is a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing (Ecclesiastes 3:5). It is like a dance where we come together, move apart and then come back together again. While we are apart absence makes the heart grow fonder, and when we come back together the joy of reconciliation can and will, if we let it, take us deeper and deeper into an intimacy where there is openness and honesty and honour. It takes two, it takes trust, it takes a willingness to wrestle through the misunderstandings and the inherent selfishness. It takes love. And in our earthy relationships, the Christian has the advantage, since he or she can tap into the very Source of love (1 John 4:8).

Father, I know that You would rather that we came to You with railing accusations, than that we stay away, isolating ourselves from You. Thank You Lord that You are big enough to deal with my outbursts (Psalm 142:2). I cannot have an intimate relationship with You if I am not real with You. And I cannot be real if I deny or suppress what I am feeling. I have the sense Lord that when I have come to You and we have sorted it out, that You are far more thrilled with the reconciliation that I could ever be! I love You this morning Lord, and though my love is weak compared to Yours, it is what it is, and I know it pleases You. I bless You this morning Lord in Jesus Name Amen

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