Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Whoever looses his life for Me will find it (II)

I am at the age when those who I have known for half a century or more our starting, in the natural course of events, to die. Some of them know the Lord, but some likely do not, and for me this is tough stuff! In addition to wondering whether I could have done more, said more, lived more of a life that adorned the gospel, is the underlying reminder of my own mortality. Also difficult, is the pressure of our society to say nothing, since much of it regards even a remote reference to God at a time like this, as a guilt trip. But the truth of the matter is, that these things are so much easier to deal with when you know where you are going. And I do know where I am going!

In fact I have the assurance from the Lord himself who told me that since I have heard His Word and put my trust in Him (the Father) who sent Him (Jesus), then I already have everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but have passed from death into life (John 5:24). And so I need wisdom, boldness, compassion and love to speak or be silent, when I attend a funeral, where most who will be there have no confession of knowing the Lord.

And the verse at the head of this post from Luke 9:24 speaks to me again this morning as I deal with the mixed feelings of grief, guilt and anxiety for those who do not know the Lord. The point is, that if I am to deal with these things in a functional way, then I need to live in the reality of the paradox that those who loose their life for Him actually find it. It’s about living on earth, but seated in heaven (Ephesians 2:6), it’s about my life being hidden in Christ (Colossians 3:3) so that what I see and hear and do is mediated through the prism of my moment by moment connection with Him.

Father, it’s hard to love as You love. And because it is so hard, it would be easy to either pretend that I don’t care, or to actually come to the place where I don’t! And I am caught again this morning Lord, between wanting to be where You are where there is no more death, or sorrow or pain (Revelation 21:4), and knowing that I have not yet completed the work You have for me to do in the here and now. Please help me again this morning Lord, to live in the tension of losing my life in order that I may gain life and in doing so bring life to others. And I give You all the honour and glory and praise again Jesus in Name Amen

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