Thursday, October 18, 2018

Intimacy with God (XI) More on friendship with God

Since the marriage relationship is a primary analogy of our relationship with God (Ephesians 5:28-32), it seems appropriate to examine some of the components of what friendship in marriage looks like. Then of course we can apply them to our relationship with God. The marriage relationship can be healthy or unhealthy, descriptions of it range from dependence, independence, interdependence and codependence. Since the basis of Biblical teaching on these things starts with mutual submission (Ephesians 5:21), then the one that is the most healthy is interdependence. Interdependence can best be described as a relationship where each one chooses to surrender part of their independence for the sake of the health of the relationship, to choose, at some level, to depend on one another in love and honour.

There is a saying that seems relevant to our relationship with God. It is “Without God man cannot, without man God will not!” I like to think of this as God honouring and valuing our partnership so much, that unless and until we do our part in bringing His plans to pass, they will not happen! In particular, there are many things that happen, or don’t happen which can rightly be described as being outside of God’s perfect will. Of course since God is all-powerful and all-knowing, He could simply tweak things to make them right. But to switch analogies for a moment, like a loving father with his son, He comes alongside to encourage, to lead guide and direct. And He does not, like an impatient parent might, take things out of our hands in frustration fearing that we will mess up. I am not talking here about letting a child do something dangerous. But a wise parent knows that the child will likely learn more when he is not afraid of making mistakes. And this of course involves allowing him to make them at times!

In terms our relationship with God, the thing is that even when we mess up, He is able to redeem and restore our mistakes. And we will inevitably make mistakes because our hearing, and our obedience is not perfect! But when we do things His way, submitting our plans to Him in humility, we can trust in the proverb “ We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but God’s purpose prevails” (Proverbs 19:21 MSG). Perhaps interdependence with God is not quite the right word, but words are inadequate, and I hope it’s clear what I’m trying to say. Perhaps a better way to describe this is as a loving, honouring, empowering partnership. But then again perhaps this is the best description of interdependence!

Father, there are two examples come to mind this morning. The first is Abraham's unsuccessful intercession for Sodom (Genesis 18:16- 33). The second is Moses' successful intercession for Israel, where You literally change Your mind because of his pleading (Exodus 32:7-14). This gives me such hope for my unsaved loved ones. You told the Philippian jailer that if he believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, than both he and his household would be saved (Acts 16:31). Thank You Lord that my fervent prayers are powerful, because I am righteous in You (James 5:16), and so Lord I intercede again this morning for my loved ones trusting that You will indeed bring them to Yourself. And I give You all the honour and the glory again in Jesus Name Amen

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