I can look back on my relatively long life and see a number of major turning points, as well as many, many smaller ones. I can see that the major ones occurred after having the rug was pulled out from under my feet multiple times, and I seem to have needed that in order to make the choice to move on! And as I look back, I can see or think of these things as the softening up process. There is a recovery saying that we will not change until the pain of being stuck become greater than the pain and fear of change. And this softening up process and being tired of being sick and tired, can be the start of the struggle to change and to “learn new tricks” no matter how old a dog we are!
And as I was thinking about these things this morning, I came across the verse “Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the LORD upholds him with His hand” (Psalm 37:24). The softening up process referred to above has often been for me a crossroads. We can be offended (seems to be the default), or we can turn to the Lord. And it is my experience that when I took the latter rout, He came along side in a very practical way, lifted me up and set my feet on a rock. But I see so many this morning who choose by default to go the other way, and it breaks my heart.
Father, I have often wished that I could make choices for others, but that would short-circuit your work in their lives. And once again I come to the conclusion that most of the time the very best thing I can do to help others is to get well, to become whole, and to seek to live the abundant life. And I do this in the hope that my life will point the way to the freedom You give. Forgive me and cleanse me Lord, for the times I have fallen short of this. But this too is likely necessary, in order that I may fall on my feet. In Jesus name Amen
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