Tuesday, July 10, 2018

You meant evil against me; but God meant it for good

Years before this exchange, Joseph’s brash, boastful and unwise revelation of dreams God had given him, had set off a chain of character polishing events. Provoked to jealousy, his brothers had sold him into slavery in Egypt where Joseph, falsely accused of raping Potiphar’s wife, was thrown into jail. And he languished there for two full years even after it was clear the Lord had plans to get him out. Finally, being the only one who could interpret Pharaoh’s dreams, and correctly predicting seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine, Joseph was put in charge of the entire land of Egypt, second only Pharaoh himself. In this way Joseph’s dreams of dominance were fulfilled when, in the midst of the famine, his brothers came looking for grain. These events enabled the whole family to move to Egypt. It then become clear that this was God’s plan from the beginning, to deliver Jacob’s family from the famine (see Genesis 37-50).

After Jacob’s death, with their father no longer there to protect them, the brothers feared that Joseph would take his revenge on them for what they had done. The words in the title of this post were Joseph’s gracious response to their fears (Genesis 50:20). Missing from the above account of what happened, is the way all through the story, Joseph responded to the abuse. In particular over and over he found favour in the sight of those who, in human terms, had control of his destiny. Joseph, like the Lord who came much later, learnt obedience by the things that he suffered (Hebrews 5:8).

My own response to the trials and injustices of life, have not always been so mature. But after trying the kicking, screaming and fighting option, and discovering that that did not work, I too began to learn obedience through suffering. And sometimes the suffering was a result of my own sinful choices, and sometimes because of the choices of others. And sometimes the choices of others had evil intent, and sometimes not! But in all cases God remained in control! And whether it was intended for evil or not, God intended it for good. And as a result I can now safely say, that I would not be the same man had God not allowed what He allowed. And for this I give Him thanks and praise.

Father, as we see from the story, the very best thing that Joseph did for his family, for those he loved, was to submit to the character portion polishing You accomplish through the trials and tribulations of his life. And in the end it was through it all, that he was able to deliver the entire family. Likewise Lord I have come to the place where I realize the very best thing that I can do for my family and those I love, is for me to get free, to grow in grace, wisdom and knowledge, and in this way point the way to freedom. And while I know that I have not arrived, I am nevertheless grateful that I am not what I once was. And for this, I give You thanks and praise again this morning, in Jesus Name Amen

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