Sunday, July 9, 2017

Extravagant devotion to Jesus is not understood by the world, but appreciated by Him

I was meditating this morning on the passage where Mary anoints the feet of Jesus with very expensive ointment, and is criticized for it. It could’ve been sold and the money given to the poor. Jesus tells them to leave her alone, and that what she has done will be proclaimed throughout the world (Matthew 26:13).

If Jesus wanted this proclaimed, then so do I. But why? And another question, was it not true that the money could have been better spent on feeding the poor? As to this last question, in the version of the story in John, we are told that it was Judas Iscariot who was the critic, and that his motive was more about getting money for himself for he was the treasurer and a thief. Jesus also remarked that we always have the poor with us, and that we can help them anytime we want.

There are a number of issues that this passage raises, not the least it is how much charity is enough? But I want to concentrate on the first question of why Jesus wanted this proclaimed. It has been suggested that Jesus did simply do not want to hurt her feelings, and I’m quite sure that this is true, but not the whole story. What I think the main point is, is that extravagant devotion is precious to Him, and He wants the world to know that this is the case.

Lord Jesus, Mary’s example of extravagant devotion, is something that clearly pleases you very much. It warms your heart, and I want to get in on it. I want to please you in everything that I do. This is not always easy, and it’s not well understood by the world, but with your help I will be the man of God that you want me to be. Please help me in those times when this is the very last thing is on my heart and on my mind. I ask this in Jesus name Amen

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