Saturday, July 15, 2017

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the gentleness and humility that comes from wisdom

Having spent my entire adult life in the context of the University, I am well aware of the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is about facts that we acquire through various ways, be it through logic or experience or intuition. Wisdom is more about having the smarts to use knowledge in the best possible way. Wisdom seems to be in short supply, especially in the university setting. The Scripture says that knowledge puffs up, makes us proud, but love edifies. Perhaps my favourite Socrates story is the one he tells about how he became convinced that he was the wisest person in the world. They took him to the various people who claimed to be wise, and Socrates realized that he was wiser than all of them precisely because they were unaware of how little wisdom they had. Socrates on the other hand, realized his wisdom was quite limited.

Wisdom, true wisdom changes us. The Scripture in this post from James 3:13 implies that true wisdom leads to living a life of doing good, and conducting our lives in gentleness and humility. For me, the first step to gaining wisdom is to admit that I am lacking it. James 1:5 tells us that if anyone lack wisdom he should ask of God who gives liberally and it will be given. This is a promise, a promise with a premise. The two conditions of the premise are firstly that we lack wisdom. I often tell the Lord “I qualify for this promise, I lack wisdom.” The second condition is we need to ask. The next verse tells us we need to ask in faith, but we do need to ask. When these two conditions are fulfilled we can claim the promise “ it will be given!”

Father, the Scripture tells us that the wisdom of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing. Lord continue to open up my understanding of just how much I need you in my life, and give me the grace, and the humility to come to you for wisdom in Jesus name Amen.

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