Sunday, August 26, 2018

Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23)

How do we do this? Our hearts are assaulted in all kinds of ways, but I am thinking this morning specifically about how often others let us down, or sometimes how we let ourselves down. I have a friend who has much integrity, and perhaps because he has such high expectations of himself, he also has very high expectations of others. But more often than not others do not live up to his expectations, and this causes him pain, grief and anguish. When he was telling me about some of the things that grieve him, and about his expectations of others, I felt lead to ask him “How is that working for you?”

We can I think, go from one extreme to the other. I know people who do not expect anything, because if they don’t expect anything they will not be disappointed. But to me that is to shut your heart down, not to se it free. On top of this, as a teacher I know that in some ways there is a crisis of expectations that has exerted and exerts a downward pressure on achievement. And thinking on these things this morning is causing me to examine my expectations as we minister week by week in the prison.

And the conclusion I am coming to, as I think about these things, is to look to Jesus and the way He dealt with the disciples. He had high expectations “Anyone who would come after me must deny himself take us his cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). Then when they let Him down, He patiently used the occasion to teach. For example when they were arguing among themselves who was the greatest, Jesus taught the the need to be childlike (Mark 9:33-37). How well He exemplifies the way of love which “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Corinthians 13:7).

Father, in guarding my heart, I need to have a realistic expectation of myself and others, yet not to underestimate the fact that we are made in Your image. This is especially important for as I seek to minister in recovery situations. As we say so often, we seek progress not perfection, and we need to be patient and gentle with ourselves and others. Thank You for Your promise that You who have begun a good work in us will keep right on helping us (Philippians 1:6), and in particular making us more like Jesus. Help us, help me, not to become weary in doing well in Jesus Name Amen i

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