Saturday, August 4, 2018

The fruit of the Spirit (VIX) Self-Control

The Greek Lexicon (Thayer) expands on this morning's word and says of it that it is the “virtue of one who masters his desires and passions, especially his sensual appetites.” It is interesting therefore to note in the next verse (Galatians 5:24) Paul tells that those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires, the very same two terms. There is a sense in which self-control may be thought of as something or an enigma being how it is part of the fruit of the Spirit. I mean is it self-control or is it Spirit-control? As with other aspects of the fruit of the Spirit, the answer is yes, because it is both. In particular when we fully cooperate with Him, the Spirit is actively involved in helping us acquiring this discipline.

Secular Psychology has a number of hints for helping us gain self-control. It is in a way, like a muscle that needs to be exercised. And there are a number of things that can either help or hinder. So for example exercise and good nutrition, sufficient sleep and realizing that our emotions ebb and flow, also the old rule of counting to ten before replying or acting can also be helpful. From a spiritual (recovery) point of view we need to exhibit the outward expressions of the fruit of the Spirit to ourselves. So we need to forgive and love ourselves, to be patient and kind with ourselves. Most of us have spent a lifetime doing the opposite, and old habits die hard (and yes they do need to die!).

But while these suggestions are good, most of the time it is not that we do not know what to do, but rather it is the doing of it that’s the real problem! So for me the most important aspect of this is to do my part in making room for the Spirit’s transforming power. And this starts with spending time with Him in and through His Word, getting to know how special we are to Him, and to bask in His love.

Father, as Peter says out fleshly lusts war against our soul (1 Peter 2:11), and many of us have been loosing that war! Please help us starting with where we are “at,” and taking it from there. Thank You that You have promised that You who have done a good work within us will keep on doing it until that day. Thank You for Your Promise that if we continue in Your Word we will Know the truth and the Truth will set us free (John 14:6). In Jesus Name Amen

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