Thursday, August 30, 2018

I am fearfully and wonderfully made

One of the many books that I bought a long time ago, but have not yet read (road to hell etc.), is called “The evidential power of beauty.” The premise of the author, is that the beauty of the universe is evidence of design. And it never ceases to amaze me, how scientists can investigate the intricacy and beauty of the universe, but still not see what we are designed to see, namely the glory of God (Psalm 19:1). But even more puzzling, is our blindness (and yes I’m including myself here) to our own beauty, and in particular to the fact that you and I are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).

If you are reading this, then you can read! And yes most of us can, but that does not make it any the less remarkable that we can put some scratches on paper that have meaning. What other creature can do that? I fell a few weeks ago leaving an ugly wound on my arm, but my body healed itself, and now there is very little evidence that I fell. I remember reading in Science fiction about a machine that could repair itself. We are not there yet, but we might be. We invented the aeroplane because we saw birds could fly. Yes I know chimps can mimic too, but think about the sophistication of human endeavours compared to chimps! We put a man on the moon for goodness sake! What I am saying is that we have lost the wonder of the glory of all that God has created in particular we have lost the wonder of who and what we are!

Likely, we because we listen to voices other than God, we sell ourselves short! And because we sell ourselves short, we limit ourselves and in doing so engage in self-fulfilling prophecy. Well it is true that I personally could never climb mount Everest, or win a medal in the Olympics. But that does not mean I cannot do what He designed me to do. And the problem is that we get discouraged because we compare ourselves with ourselves. But we are unwise to do that (2 Corinthians 10:12). And I can do what He designed me to do, and so can you. And He has things for you to do that only you can do (Ephesians 2:10), and each and every one of us has infinite value and purpose (Jeremiah 29:11)!

Father, it seems to me we either think too little of ourselves, or too much. But I wonder sometimes about even those who seem to think too much of themselves, if they are doing that to cover what they really think even from themselves. Lord I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and so is each person reading this blog. And Lord each and every one of us has infinite value, and I know this because You sent Your Son to purchase our redemption on the cross. And a person or thing is worth what is payed for it. Help us therefore Lord to treat others and ourselves in accordance with what You think of us, because what You think of us it what is true. In Jesus Name Amen

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