It’s interesting to speculate whether Mary could have said “No.” I believe that she could, because God has not made us to be robots, and so in fact we can say no to the most powerful force in the universe! Perhaps a more pertinent question it is “Does it make sense to say “No” the King of Kings and Lord of Lords?”
The path God asks us to choose, is never likely smooth, but we are called to die. In fact Jesus tells us “Whoever does not take up his cross and follow Me cannot be My disciple” (Luke 14:27). But hey, life is not smooth whether we choose to follow Him or not. Again “In this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33). So in the end, the choice is not will we have trouble, the choice is will we have trouble with Jesus, or will we have trouble without Him?
In my own experience, and in the lives of those around me, I have observed that when we say “No” to Him, we finish up going round and round the mountain. And then not only do we have pain, we have purposelessness, life without meaning, and often despair and hopelessness. The context of the above quote from John 16:33 is Jesus saying these things so that we might have peace, and He concludes by saying “Take heart, I have overcome the world.”
Father, I have tried it both ways, and when I finally came to the end of myself, I chose Your way. And although the way has been anything but smooth, I have never being alone. It was your promise “I will never leave you nor forsake you!” And my life does have purpose, and I know that in the end I am on the winning side, I have read the end of the book! So I want to thank you this morning Lord for Your grace, for Your peace for the sense of purpose in my life. And I give You all the honour all the glory and all the praise in Jesus Name Amen
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