Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God

It struck me this morning as I meditated on this verse from Matthew 5:9, that the Beatitudes are cumulative. For example, I cannot be a peacemaker if I am not merciful. This is because making peace has to do with requiring both sides to have mercy. And if I do not live out mercy in my own life, I will be nothing more than a hypocrite saying “Do as I say not as I do.” Similarly if my motives are not pure, my own faults will likely get in the way.

Above all else, I cannot be a peacemaker, if I do not have my own deep sense of peace that is unrelated to outward circumstances. My experience of trying to bring people together, is that I can get sat upon by both sides. In fact, at times it can be a little like trying to separate two warring dogs. So in what sense are peacemakers blessed?

What I think, is that it is about sharing in the fellowship of co-labouring with the Prince of Peace in His sufferings (Philippians 3:10?). I say co-labouring, because His primary purpose in coming to earth, and suffering and dying in our place, is reconciliation (Ephesians 1:10). So in working together with him in fulfilling his purposes, I am surely truly his offspring, his child, his workmanship. I can’t fully explain why this feels like a blessing, but it is.

Father, the Scripture tells me as much as is possible within me to live at peace with all (Romans 12:18). So being a peacemaker starts with my seeking peace with those whose lives I touch. But it does not end there, and I need Your peace, Your wisdom, Your grace and Your courage to be a peacemaker. Lord here I am, send me in Jesus Name Amen

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