Evidence-based research can be said to be searching for the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge, in other words it is seeking for the truth! But as I said above some of it is led astray by its presuppositions. Even so science, with its ability to correct itself will I believe, eventually prove incorrect presuppositions false. It can take a long time, a very long time! in fact there is a book by Thomas Kuhn entitled “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,” that essentially makes this point. But what is my point?
The point I was making yesterday, was that seeking the hidden treasures of wisdom ultimately leads to Him. The point I want to make today, is that when our seeking is in Him, acknowledging Him in all our ways (Proverbs 3:5, 6), then the conclusions of our seeking will likely be more accurate and more efficient. I want to take a fourth paragraph this morning to mention three aspects of research that touch the Scriptures. We do however, need to rule out overly simplistic interpretations on the one hand, and those that exclude the possibility of the miraculous (and hence God) on the other.
The first aspect has to do with “the assured gains of biblical scholarship.” I learned of the said gains while studying for my diploma in Biblical studies in 1978. Since that time, over and over, many such “gains,” have been shown to be nonsense. The second aspect has to do with Biblical archaeology, where archaeologists with great fanfare have announced that their discoveries contradict Biblical history, but then their conclusions were later shown to be wrong as further evidence came to light. This of course, was not announced with fanfare! The third aspect has to do with secular psychology. I have said before that it is my observation that anything in secular psychology that works, can be found either as a principal or a command in Scripture. The point I am making then, is that like the wise men of old, wise men still do their seeking through and for Him!
Father, I want to thank You this morning that as I have done my seeking and searching through and for You, I have found clarity, assurance and healing. Lord there is so much more that I want to say, and the three aspects mentioned above are likely three books needing to be written. But I thank You Lord this morning that it’s not all up to me, it’s not all up to us. In particular You came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). In this as always Lord, You are praiseworthy in Jesus Name Amen
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