Friday, September 28, 2018

Three pots of cream

There were were three things among the distinctives the Lord was and is revealing through the “Toronto Blessing” (also known as the Airport Church). John Arnott tells of a picture he was given of three pots of cream. The three "pots" are firstly hearing God’s voice, then intimacy with God and thirdly inner healing. I want to say a little this morning, about the interconnections, the mutually reenforcing aspects, of them. To say a little about the need, whether we acknowledge it or not, at some level we are all wounded by the experiences and happenstances of life. And again whether we acknowledge it or not, we all operate out of these, often hidden, wounds. Many of these woundings took place in childhood, where we had skills neither to defend ourselves, nor to deal functionally with our hurts.

So abuse likely will leave us defensive and untrusting in relationships (potentially for life). Neglect will likely leave us unresponsive to the joys of life. Condemnation and/or being told how useless we are, how we will never amount to anything, will likely lead to the feeling that God is just waiting for us to mess up, so He too can condemn us! Any or all of these things will likely make it difficult to hear words from Him that strengthen, encourage and comfort us. They will likely make us what to shy away from intimacy with Him. I mean why would I want to get close to someone who is out to get me? They will also likely be hindrances to having our hearts healed. I may not even know that healing is possible.

But what I want to say, is that these three "pots" have strengthened, encouraged, comforted and brought (and are bringing) healing to my heart. The first came through hearing either directly and/or through the prophetic word, that God loves me, is well pleased with me (Mark 1:11) and that He has thrown my sins into the deepest sea (Micah 7:19). The second coming through the experience of His embrace (intimacy) has helped His words to move from my head to my heart. The third way coming through the knowledge of this intimacy (knowing by words, intuition and experience) has helped, and is helping me, to dismiss negative and condemning words from others. The point is that I now care a lot more of what He thinks about me, than I do about what you or others think about me.

Father, I have often said that You think I am the best thing since sliced bread. Actually this only begins to express how much You love, not only me but the whole world. Your initiating, extravagant, healing love was so clearly demonstrated “while we were still sinners” by Christ dying for us (Romans 5:7). And now I can easily answer the question “If God be for us, who can be against us” (Romans 8:31)? Well none that I need care or worry about! Father, words are not sufficient to express my gratitude this morning, nevertheless thank You, thank You, thank You. In Jesus Name Amen

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