Friday, March 23, 2018

… in His law he meditates day and night, He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water

Like most of us, I have struggled from time to time with having a consistent quiet time with the Lord. I knew that I needed to meditate on His Word, but very often the discipline was missing, and I have found that unless I write something down I am not really absorbing it. So in fact this recent habit of writing a blog every morning has been helpful in keeping me consistent. In particular I find, throughout the day that I am asking the Lord for something for me to meditate upon and to blog about. I am also asking that it be relevant to my life!

And I have found that this consistency, this discipline, has made a big change in my life. It has strengthened me, given me more backbone, and I more easily return to peace when things that would formally have stressed me come across my path. And as I was thinking about this this morning, the above quote from Psalm 1:2, 3 came to mind.

The picture makes sense to me, the tree drinking deeply with its tap roots deep into the soil kept moist by the river, remains healthy. Likewise as we drink deeply from the living waters of His Word we remain spiritually healthy. But more, in a parallel passage (in Jeremiah 17:8) we read “…. and will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit.” In other words the consistency of meditating “day and night,” fortifies us to overcome in the more difficult trials of life.

Father, I want to thank You again this morning for Your Word. Truly it is living and powerful, and as I feed upon it morning by morning, it not only strengthens me, it draws me ever closer to You the fountain of living water, the God of all peace and hope and joy and love. And I want to thank and praise and worship You this morning for You are worthy, and You do all things well. I pray these things in Jesus Name Amen

1 comment:

  1. We hear and forget, we write it down and we understand, we put it into practice and it changes our lives!
