Thursday, February 21, 2019

Confession, healing and intimacy (II) Risk

“If anyone ever found out, I would die!” Shame! Shame paralyzes, it multiplies in the darkness and keeps us stuck. The cure for guilt it is to be forgiven (1 John 1:9). The cure for shame is found within this verse we are discussing from James 5:16 “Confess your faults one to another that you may be healed.” I suggested last day, that this is likely to be scary, but also also an essential part in bringing the kingdom down to earth. This discussion is also related to the fifth step of twelve-step programs which is to confess to God, to ourselves and to one other person. By and large, the fellowship that surround those going through twelve-step programs is safe. In particular, the sponsor to whom you are instructed to confess, is someone who has victory over the very same problems you have, and he or she knows the value of confidentiality.

In order to bring in the kingdom in this way, we need to be a safe place and to find, or create a safe place. This is no small task. Trust, in this wicked and hurting world, is no small issue, and we will likely need it to be at process rather than an instant obedience to the command in this verse from James. It also likely needs to start with me being, or becoming a safe place. And I will not be a safe place if I continue to play the blame game, nor if I refused to do the necessary work in order that I might die to my selfishness. But I might not be able to do this until I have found unconditional acceptance and love from others. We need to pray and ask the Lord to bring people to us of like mind, and to show us those fellowships that are already safe. It is unfortunately true that church is not always safe.

For the longest time I couldn’t decide if my natural openness and vulnerability was a gift, or a curse. The problem was, that the churches I was choosing to attend, were not safe. Far too often, my openness and vulnerability would come back as judgement, or accusation. And because I refused to wear the masks so many were wearing, I was even shunned at times. Not by all, but enough for it to be painful. I do now however regarded my openness as a gift, because I have come to realize that a fellowship will likely never be more open and vulnerable than its leaders. And we are desperately in need of safe places in order, among other things, to bring the kingdom into our relationships. And if you have been reading these blogs regularly, you will realize that this is a major thrust of my writings.

Father, faith has been spelled r-i-s-k! We cannot come out of hiding without risk. We need Your courage Lord, and we need Your protection. But most of all Lord, we need to know You at a deeper level. It is in Your embrace where we experience the unconditional, extravagant, healing love that enables us to care more about what You think about us, than what the rest of the World thinks about us. And so I thank You this morning for Your promise, that if we draw near to You, You will draw near to us (James 4:8). I also ask Lord that You raise up leaders who are willing to be open an vulnerable, and I give You the praise again this morning Lord, in Jesus Name Amen

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