Friday, February 1, 2019

Do you want to be made whole? (II) The need for tenacity

I am firmly convinced that 99.99% of us live at levels far, far below those at which we are intended to live, and at which we could live, if we were determined to answer “Yes” to the question at the head of this post. My heroes in this life tend to be those who, not so much in spite of the circumstances they found themselves in, but rather because of them, rose with His help above it all. I’m thinking of people like Joni Eareckson Tada, or Nick Vujicic. I’m thinking of Joseph in the Bible, betrayed by his brothers, thrown into a pit, sold into slavery, falsely accused of rape and thrown into prison etc, etc. But at each stage, he overcame, even finding favour in the sight of his keepers. I think I likely speak for them, when I say that they could do not to do this without Him, but with Him all things are possible.

Two friends of mine had strokes. One of them expected the doctors and the physiotherapists to do just about everything for him in his recovery. There was very little improvement! The other friend has tenacity (stick-to-itiveness), and she presses in with everything she has. She has surprised the doctors over and over in her slow, but steady recovery. At the point of writing, they are in the process of building up her legs muscles so she can stand. But it’s not just in physical ailments where we need to tenacity, it is in every area of difficulties of life. Jesus told us that He came that we might have life in all its fullness (John 10:10b). And I for one am determined not to settle for anything less than this. I am encouraged by the cloud of witnesses, I choose to lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, I choose to run with endurance the race that is set before me, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith (Hebrews 1, 2).

The weight and the sin, my sin, and other's sin. I have come to realize, that its not what happens, or what we have done, or what’s done to us that is important, it’s how we respond to these things. We can respond with faith, or not, but because what is not of faith is sin (Romans 14:23), if we don’t, then that in and of itself is sin and that will not lead to the abundant life. Actually knowing it's sin is good news, because if I know it’s sin, then I can repent of it, and be forgiven and cleansed (1 John 1:9). But I can’t do any of this without Him, I need to look to Jesus for help. He is the one who initiates my faith, He is the author. He is the the finisher of my faith, the one who will keep right on working in me until that day (Philippians 1:6).

Father, I thank You for the gift of faith, I thank You Lord that life and health and peace is found in You. I thank You that we have not been left to struggle alone. I thank You that when we are tired of being tenacious, when we are weary and heavy laden, that we can come to You, and You will give us rest for our souls. I thank You that You promised never to leave us nor forsake us. And I thank You that in partnership with You we can rise above it all, and enter into the abundant life. In fact that is why You came and so I give You praise and thanks again this morning Lord, in Jesus Name Amen

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