Sunday, March 17, 2019

Do not be drunk with wine, which is recklessness, but be Spirit filled

Make no mistake about it, we will be filled with something, be it wine, or self-importance, or fear, or anger etc., etc. In the context of this verse from Ephesians 5:18, Paul is telling us that it is the will of God, that we be filled with His Spirit. The religious spirit has sought to make it about rules and regulations. But good luck if you want to turn the New Testament into deeper stronger rules than those given in the Old. The Old Testament laws were intended to show us that living by rules just didn’t cut it (Galatians 3:24). And if it was impossible to get right with God by keeping Old Testament rules, how on earth can we do so by keeping the more stringent requirements of the New Testament commandments (i.e Matthew 5:38-48).

So if the way to be right with God is not by keeping rules, then what is it? Jesus tells us in John 15:5 “He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” The picture that Jesus is giving is of Him being the vine, and we being the branches (verse 5 again). And just as the branches cannot bear fruit unless they are vitally connected to the vine, neither can we bear fruit unless by His Spirit we remain vitally connected to Him. We do of course have a part to play, we need to abide in Him, to be being filled with His Spirit. We cannot be filled with His Spirit if we are full of other things. We need to get rid of the old ways, being drunk etc., etc. and put on the new. I like to do this by inviting Him to fill me first thing in the morning, spreading my hands before Him, and asking Him to fill me, and to take complete control. I often ask Him to show me any wicked way, and commit again to allowing Him to guide and lead me in moment by moment obedience. I cannot do this without Him!

I used to confess that I was a leaky vessel, and that is why I felt I needed to keep asking Him to fill me. But “According to your faith, be it unto you” (Matthew 9:29). So believing, as in having negative faith that I am a leaky vessel, kept me stuck there. I do of course need to guard my heart and to make sure that I do not quench His Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19). But when I ask Him to fill me, I choose to believe that I am full. A literal translation of John 3:34 is “Not with measure does He give the Spirit.” Some translations have interpreted this as it is Jesus who has the Spirit without measure. And this of course is true, but it is not what the verse is saying. He gives the Spirit without measure, which means that if we have not received the Spirit without measure, then there is more, there is always more! I have heard this illustrated as air in a blown up balloon. It is full of air, but more air can be blown into it, as it expands to receive it!

Father, help me to be consistent in coming to You morning by morning, putting off the negative, and putting on Your Spirit. Please expand my ability to receive Him. Thank You that there is always more. Thank You Lord that when I abide in You, and Your Words abide in me, then I will indeed produce much fruit. Thank You for Your Word, thank You for Your Spirit, thank You for Jesus in whose precious Name I ask Amen

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