Thursday, March 14, 2019

Iron sharpening iron (VI) Lessons from the silver smith

I suspect that even as Christians we can hardly even start to fully appreciate the depths of hell from which we have been rescued, and the enormity of the job it takes to fit us for heaven. And one of the main aspects of our testimony to the world, is the change and the ongoing transformation He wants to make in our lives (1 Peter 2:1; Romans 12:2). Part of this is the refining that He accomplishes in the iron sharpening iron process. And what happens in this process, is that our character flaws come to the surface as we rub up against, and irritate each other. The picture the Bible gives of this, is of smelting in a furnace. Smelting is a process of applying heat to ore in order to extract out a base metal. In Malachi 3:3 we read “He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.”

The story is told of a young woman visiting the silversmith to inquire about the refining process. The silversmith told her that under intense heat, the dross rises to the surface, and can be skimmed off. The silversmith told her that with too little heat the dross remain, but with too much heat the metal can be spoiled. The point here is that our God will not allow us to be tested beyond our ability to endure (1 Corinthians 10:13). This does not mean however that we don’t feel like we are tested beyond our ability. I am sure you know what I’m talking about! She then asked the silversmith how he knew when the process was finished. He replied that he knew it was finished when he could see his reflection in the silver. And His goal in our lives, is that we would reflect the beauty of the Lord, and we be being transformed from one degree of glory to another (Romans 8:29; 2 Corinthians 3:18).

Some of my own deepest to trials, temptations and frustrations have occurred in interpersonal interactions. And the closer relationship, the hotter the trial will likely feel. There are three things that will facilitate the process. Firstly we need to be conscience of what it is that He is doing through the trial. Peter tells us “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try (read refine) you” (1 Peter 4:12). Secondly, we need to cooperate with Him in the process “I beseech you therefore that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to the Lord” (Romans 12:1). Thirdly we need to give each other permission to draw each other’s attention gently, lovingly and prayerfully, to flaws which irritate and to which we may be blind (Galatians 6:1). There is much to say about the who, how and when of this last point! There is much to say about the who, how and when of this last point!

Father, we used to talk about “grace builders.” That is those people that You allow in our lives that show us our need of Your grace to deal with them in love, gentleness and humility. I have come to realize, that likely I am a grace builder in the people You send to build grace in my life. It's iron sharpening iron again. But I do know Lord, that it is in our close relationships that You do the deepest work, and that it is therefore likely the hardest. We can’t likely do this with everybody Lord, even Jesus had just 3 special friends. So this I am asking You to send people with whom You want us to engage in this refining process. And then please give us the grace to be conscious of what you’re doing, so that we may cooperate with You, and so to choose to commit to each other in Jesus Name Amen

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