Wednesday, March 13, 2019

What time I am afraid, I will trust in You

It is all too easy to take “council of our fears,” to base our decisions solely on the fear of what could go wrong. But this is not to walk in faith. On the other hand walking in faith does not mean being foolish! What it does mean is to choose, as David did in this quote from Psalm 56:3, to put our trust in Him. I was recently asked to do something that I was not at all sure I could handle, and before I knew it fear was rising up within me. I could, of course, have said no to the request! What I did is to take it to the Lord and ask Him what He wanted me to do. After all He has promised to give wisdom to those who lack it, and ask for it in faith (James 1:5, 6). As I write, it seems to be working out.

As I thought about these things this morning, I felt directed towards a verse in Psalm 91 “A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you” (verse 7). This is a promise to those who “dwell in the secret place of the Most High,” and who choose to put their trust in Him and to make the Lord their refuge and fortress (verses 1, 2). It is something of a challenge to choose faith when you see disaster all around (a thousand falling at your very feet). It’s not as though bad things don’t happen, they do! But when we do our part, He gives His angels charge over us, to keep us in all our ways (verse 11). Does this mean that as a Christian I am never called to suffer? Well no, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

These were the words of Jesus when He was telling them that they would be scattered, and He was telling them so that “you may have peace” (verses 32, 33). In the midst of the most painful time in my entire life the Lord impressed a Vineyard song and my heart. And in particular the verse “And I can't understand all that You allow, I just can't see the reason. But my life is in Your hands And though I cannot see You I choose to trust You." But you know what? When we choose to trust Him, He brings us through the trial to peace, and we experience His comfort and grace and mercy and love. It is the fellowship of his suffering (Philippians 3:10).

Father, more of the words of that song are coming to me. “Even when my heart is torn I will trust You Lord. Even when I feel deserted I will trust You Lord. Even in my darkest valley, I will trust You Lord. And when my world is shattered, and it seems all hope is gone, Yet I will praise You Lord.” Thank You Lord that You have promised never to leave me nor forsake me. Thank You for Your comfort and for Your grace. I choose to believe this morning Lord, that on that day when I see You face-to-face, I will see things as they really are, and I will know that “You have done all things well!” And Lord “What time I am afraid, I will trust in You” in Jesus Name Amen

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