Wednesday, March 27, 2019

You inhabit the praises of Your people (III) Truth in the inward parts

There is perhaps nothing that sabotages intimacy more in relationships, that secrets withheld from each other. And there is perhaps nothing that draws us closer after a rift, than taking responsibility for our faults and confessing them to each other (James 5:16 again). I have heard some say they hate arguments, but they love making up! Of course in our relationship with God He is never at fault, but there is something amazing about making up with Him in true repentance and confession, it fosters worship and intimacy and love. You get the sense of this from King David in Psalm 51 when, after the biggest failure of his life (adultery and murder- 2 Samuel 11), he turns to God with his whole heart. And the phrase from that Psalm that stands out to me this morning is “You desire truth in the inward parts” (verse 6).

Part of bringing the Kingdom on earth (as it is in heaven), is with His help, returning to the openness and vulnerability in the relationships before the fall. After the fall, like Adam and Eve, we hide from each other and from God (Genesis 3:7,8). In particular, if it is true that in many things we all fail, and it is (James 3:2), then there must be many things that we hide from ourselves. I have often thought that if God showed us all of this in one foul swoop, we would die of guilt and shame. This is why I think unbelievers on that will cry out to the rocks on that day, to hide them (Revelation 6:16). The type of openness and vulnerability we are talking about here might sound scary! But listen to David in the midst of his reconciliation with God “O Lord, open my lips, And my mouth shall show forth Your praise” (verse 15).

David is experiencing the unconditional love and acceptance that is available to all who turn to Him in repentance, and who open themselves up to transformation. The truth is hard to hear at times, but when we hide from what God is wanting to show us, our lives are impoverished. He knows the best and gentlest way to show me what needs to be shown. And He knows the pace I can deal with it, without being crushed. And actually, as in the natural, the times of deepest intimacy often come after He has shown me something, and I have turned from it and asked Him to help me to deal with it. There is nothing I want more than to know that there is nothing between me and Him. This is what it means to me, to be to be walking in truth in the inward parts. It is walking in the light as He is in the light, and it fosters true intimate fellowship with Him and those who are also seeking to walk in the light (1 John1: 3,7).

Father, You Word talks about repentance without regret (2 Corinthians 7:10). In truth there are many things in my life that are worthy of regret, but what I know is that when I really understood what I had done, and turned to You in true repentance, it produced in me a deep appreciation of all that You needed to do for me through Your work on the cross. And though it was, and still is, painful to admit it when I am wrong, nevertheless it takes me deeper into Your heart, and moves me closer to be lost in wonder, love and praise. And so I ask You again this morning Lord to “Create in me a clean heart … And renew a steadfast spirit within me” (verse 10), and in this way tune my heart to sing Your praise in Jesus Name Amen

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