Thursday, September 7, 2017

What was the very first incidence of peer pressure?

At some level we are all subject to the influence of others, no man is an island! And some of it’s good, and some of it’s not so good. When we think about peer pressure, we are thinking not only about negative influence, but some kind of accompanying pressure that comes along with it. This pressure, can come in many forms!

But what’s it all about, and how does it work? Probably the most effective peer pressure is when were not even aware that we are being pressured to conform or whatever. Some of it comes with manipulation “Do you want to do this now, or later?” The assumption behind the apparent option, is that you going to do it in any case. It's called control, and we may not consciously realize that we have a choice not to do whatever is being asked!

So what was the first incidence of peer pressure? Surely it was in the garden of Eden between Adam and Eve. We are told that she ate of the forbidden fruit, and that she also gave to her husband with her, and he ate (Genesis 3:6). In 1 Timothy 2:14, Paul tells us that Adam was not deceived, but his wife Eve was. I think it’s easy to miss the predicament that Adam found himself in. Eve had already eaten the fruit, it was a done deal. Now Adam had a choice, and in one sense, he had no excuse, he was not deceived, he knew that eating was wrong.

In effect, Eve’s eating the fruit left Adam with something of a dilemma. The choose not to eat, would surely put a wedge between him and Eve. To choose to eat would put a wedge between him and God.

We are not told anything about Adam’s thought process here. But from my own experience, I know that there have certainly been times when I slipped into doing the wrong thing without even really thinking about it. At some level, it’s surely the default, which without help we (I) would likely trip me up over and over!

Father, help me not to fall into the trap of pleasing others rather than pleasing you. And Father help especially in those times when the easiest thing is “just to let her slide by’” In Jesus name amen


  1. It's much too easy to try to please the person who is physically standing before you than the invisible God whom I worship.
    But God continues to show me that a lot of the time I do that I am getting in His way. I must remember that God is in control and He is not only working in me but the other person also.
    God be my strength!
