Friday, December 14, 2018

Bizarre manifestations and offence Part (III)

You might want to ask (many seem to want to) why God would do things that seem to offend so many of his followers, or even if He would. How for example, could out of control laughter be of God (Google Toronto again)? I know many were and are offended, I mean it seems so undignified. But laughter is known to be heart medicine physically, emotionally and spiritually (Proverbs 17:22). And as to the Lord doing things He knows will offend, we read that many of his disciples were offend and followed Him no more when He told them “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you” (John 6:53, 61, 66). On the other side of the cross of course, they would have no clue what He was talking about “This is a hard saying” (verse 60).

Again, not saying that every manifestation is of the Lord, but that we should not be too quick to judge or dismiss the bizarre manifestations which historically have so often accompanied revival. The Lord always has reasons for why He does things. I have become convinced that one of the reasons for manifestations, is that they provoke both the spirit of control and the religious spirit, that at some level resides in each one of us. Such provocation is a crossroads! You either ask the Lord to show You what is of Him, and allow the genuine to take you deeper, or it provides you with a rational to go back and follow Him no more. Reading between the lines in Peter’s response, when Jesus asks in the above passage from John if they too will turn back, he essentially says “We have no clue what You are talking about, but what we know is that when You speak, Your words bring life” (verses 66, 68, 69).

I have often heard “You would not catch me dead doing that!” I have know periods in my own life when, being publicly shamed, the resulting loss of dignity felt like I was naked in public, and so I understand this response well! But if I am understanding the Lord correctly, He is inviting us into a relationship of abandonment. As in the honeymoon stage in earthly relationships, the only appropriate response is total abandonment on both sides. Well Jesus has already done this for you and me by allowing Himself to be crucified naked and in public. Pictures of Him on the cross wearing a loincloth, are a lie! And as Paul put it so eloquently in the NJKV total abandonment is the only reasonable (logical in the Greek) response to the tender mercies of our God (Romans 12:1).

Father, David’s response to being despised by his total abandonment to You in worship was “ I will become even more undignified than this” (2 Samuel 6:14, 20, 22). Let this be my response too Lord, let my dignity never be more important to me that my relationship with You. Lord Jesus You have told us that if we are ashamed of You in this World, then You will be ashamed of us when You come again (Luke 9:26). Father shame comes in many forms and disguises, so please Lord break any shame off me and off any reading this blog who are praying this prayer, in Jesus Name Amen

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