Sunday, December 9, 2018

Rightly dividing the word of Truth (III) Balance (II) Pendulum swings

There are times in history when a change of government hardly means a change in policy at all, but there are also times when a change of government can best be described as the swing of the pendulum. You know what I mean, the policies, goals and aspirations of one government are diametrically opposed to what went before, and the incoming government tries to overturn every “gain” of the previous one. But it’s not just in secular politics where this takes place, it also takes place in the church. What tends to happen in church however, at least in the past, is that there is a resulting church split. The dissenting church then often takes as its name, the doctrine or practice that that was rejected in the parent church.

The leaders of a certain hypothetical church were frustrated that a group of young Christians in a Bible study, that they felt were being led astray an older teen. This young man had the gift of the gab, and as the saying goes he could talk the rear end of the horse! In trying to decide what to do about it the leaders came across the verse “Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Lest you also be like him” (Proverbs 26:4). The rebellious teen was then ejected form the Bible study for fear that the young Christians would becoming like the “fool.” The father of the teen had a different view, he felt rightly or wrongly that his son was misunderstood, and then he got hold of the verse “Answer a fool according to his folly, Lest he be wise in his own eyes” (Proverbs 26:5). Long story short, there was a church split with the father gathering others around him to form “The church of the answering fool!”

The old church became rigid and overprotective not allowing discussion of any sort, while the dissenting church failed to obey the command to not allow quarreling about words, since it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen (2 Timothy 2:14). The result was that both churches became unhealthy! This perhaps, hopefully, amusing hypothetical example illustrates what tends to happen when one side gets a hold of something that is out of balance, emphasizing one set of scriptures to the detriment of another. In the two “contradictory” verses from Proverbs, what is really needed is wisdom from the Lord to know when to apply the one, and when to apply the other! Many times the solution is not one or the other, but rather "both and."

Father, I have not always got this right, not by a long shot! Too often these issues get tied up with intense emotional feelings. There have been times when I have wanted to blow the other person out of the water! But to do this though it may win the battle, is likely to lose the war, in particular to lose the relationship. So Father I pray this morning for myself and all those reading this blog that you would give us love and grace and patience and humility to obey the command “as much as is possible with the new live at peace with all” (Romans 12:18). Help us not quarrel but be gentle to all. Lord please grant repentance where it’s needed (2 Timothy 2:24) in Jesus Name Amen

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