Saturday, December 1, 2018

It is foolish to trust in our own heart and mind. The “reality” I live in… Part 4

If there were no God, or if the Bible correctly interpreted (2 Timothy 2:15) could not be trusted, I would have to agree that all truth is relative. But no one can live this way, and nobody does! If a cashier, trying to cheat you, tells you that he is working with a different kind of arithmetic, would you accept it? Is two plus two four or not? I am not trying to say here that everything is absolute! But if in the end there were no absolutes, then we would all be adrift on a sea of relativity. It would be like living with spatial disorientation. This is something pilots learn about in ground school, where they teach you how easy it is for the body to fool the mind into thinking that it is right side up, when you could be anywhere!

This morning’s quote from Proverbs 28:26, is in effect telling us that it is foolish to try and live without absolutes, without the confidence that there are things that are truly true. This of course begs the question of what they are. But let me say that if you don’t believe Jesus’ claim that the Bible is Truth (John 17:17), then I would invite you to investigate it with your adult mind. It’s part of loving the Lord with all your mind (Luke 10:27). In particular, it is easy to dismiss Sunday school versions of Biblical truth. I am aware this morning, that books have been written, and were needed to be written, about just about every statement I am making in these recent posts. But I am feeling lead to challenge those of you who are not yet there, to investigate them!

The Bible’s principles and promises, together with the power of the Holy Spirit to live its truths, are intended to be an anchor to the soul (Hebrews 6:19). And the lie that all truth is relative, has left this generation adrift on the sea of subjectivity. It’s like trying to build a building without a square, or a plumb line. It has resulted in some calling call evil good, and good evil. The Bible warns against such, those who are wise in their own eyes((Isaiah 5:20,21). In the end there will be no excuse, because every rationalization and denial will be exposed for what it is (Luke 8:17).

Father, Your Word tells us that judgement is only delayed, and that the delay is designed to lead us to repentance (Romans 2:4). I confess this morning Father that we, Your church, have not always enhanced the gospel. Many times we have come across as arrogant, know it all and unloving. I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips (Isaiah 6:5). Your Word tells us Father that the time is right for judgement to begin with the household of God (1 Peter 4:17). I welcome its refining fire Lord, as I come to You this morning with a humble and contrite heart in Jesus Name Amen

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