Friday, August 16, 2019

Do not rely on your own understanding

This quote comes from the following combined translation of Proverbs 3:5,6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, do not rely on your own understanding;  In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths and make them smooth and straight.”  These verses cut at the very heart of, and challenge,  our radical Western notion of independence, at the idea of the “self made man.” Such independence is thought to be the highest form of maturity.  And anything other than this, is thought to be weakness. But who is stronger, one who can voluntarily  surrender some of his independence,  or someone who cannot? 

Have you ever come to the place where you realize that the more you know, the more you realize you don’t know?  I have often returned from conferences,  both secular and spiritual,  feeling like a little boy sitting on the seashore of the vast and infinite sea of knowledge.  And have you ever found yourself thinking,  and feeling strongly, that you knew the best and the right thing to do in this, or that situation, only to discover it turned out badly?  Of course  that is not always the way to judge if it was the right thing to do or not. For example sometimes people may not want to hear what they need to hear, and may react badly even when what is spoken is spoken in love.  But "Faithful are the wounds of a friend" (Proverbs 27:6).  On the other hand how many times have I thought I knew the best thing to do, and even felt strongly that it was, only to find that when I let it sit  overnight, I didn’t feel the same way the following morning.  

What I am saying, is that I have learned (and some of it from the school of hard knocks) how limited is my own understanding. And I have learned it is wise to follow the principle/promise of these verses. And part of  acknowledging Him in all my ways,  it getting my will into neutral. It likely involves choosing to be willing to do this or that, or not to do it. I also need to be willing to wait. And this is  especially the case when strong emotions are involved. If I want Him to direct my steps, and to smooth the way,  I also need to let it sit until I have His peace.   Then  even if it does not work out the way I hoped it might, I don’t need to beat myself up about it, or second guess myself that it was the right thing to do.

Father, I thank You that Your ways are best. Thank You Lord that You give us the freedom to learn  the hard way when we need to. And I did! Thank You Lord that You have made Your wisdom and guidance so freely available.  But in order to tap into it we need to live a life of ongoing trust and reliance on You and to do it day by day. When we don’t do this,  only coming to You when we are in trouble, You will of course still help us, but it can take a long time to get out of the mess we have created by doing it “my way.”  But thank You Lord that You help us even to get through that. In Jesus Name Amen

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