Wednesday, August 21, 2019

That they may be one as We are One (V) Unity not uniformity

Discord in music is defined to be lack of harmony between notes sounding together at the same time. Discord is jarring, and can evoke all kinds of negative emotion. Harmony, on the other hand,  is the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes,  producing chords that are pleasing to the ear. In appropriate progression (i.e. symphony),  it can evoke all manner of positive emotions. I believe all this is a metaphor for relationships that please the Lord.  And just as a symphony cannot be produced and performed without skill and discipline, neither can lasting harmony in relationships be achieved or maintained without these things.

In our culture we hear over and over,  about these pesky irreconcilable differences that are said to be responsible for the break up of this,  or that marriage.  But you can’t have harmony without differences! And over and over I have seen in marriages,  in the world,  and in the church,  an  incredible pressure to conform.  As I said before too often it is "my way or the highway."  But even if we were to succeed in making others like us,  or making them do things our way,  all we would produce is a colourless one note samba.  Jesus prayer is “that they would be one as They are One (John 17:11) So how exactly are  They One? They are  Trinity, unity in diversity, not unity in uniformly, as in being all exactly the same. And within this for of oneness,   diversity is appreciated and  celebrated and, as we see by  Jesus’ prayer, promoted. Jesus prayer therefore intends that our onness be a deep, rich and harmonious symphony both in our attitudes and in the way we treat and deal with each other.

In an orchestra if the trumpet player insists on doing his own thing,  and the violinist hers, symphony will not be achieved. And the very first thing (but not the only thing) that needs to happen,  is that there needs to be submission to each other,  and to the conductor (Ephesians 5:21; James 4:7). This submission is not intended to be a mechanical soulless submission.  There are musicians who are technically perfect, but their music touches neither the emotions nor the spirit.  And there is a spirit about these things. What is needed in addition to the discipline, is that we value our differences, and  honour  and appreciate  one another,  preferring one another in love  (Romans 12:10). This is particulary important in a worship team, or it will be singing songs not worship! In fact in its essence it's all about loving God with all our heart mind soul and strength, and our neighbour as ourselves (Mark 12:31,31). In such an atmosphere all the fruit of the Spirit is produced, and of course against such there is no law (Galatians 5:22, 23). Such relationships bring honour and glory to the One who loved us and gave Himself for us. 

Lord Jesus, I want to thank You again this morning for Your incredible example of humility and self sacrifice. It sounds like bondage to the world, but in fact it is freedom. There was no-one freer than You, and You are the living embodiment of all that we are saying here today. But as always we need Your help, and so I come to You again this morning asking for me and for all those reading these things, that You help us do our part in being transformed from one degree of glory to another. And I pray these things in Your gloriously and lovely Name Amen

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