Monday, August 26, 2019

Fear not, for I am with you;

There are a number of recent posts that are coming together in my mind this morning. We have been talking about not knowing what we do not know, about the fact that everything hidden will be revealed, and about the way we operate with each other using guilt, shame and manipulation. And these, and in fact many other “games” that we play with each other, are there to prevent what is hidden coming to light. And whether you are the one seeking to keep things hidden, or are being called (for the sake of unity) to deal with the hidden things in close relationships, there is one thing that is likely to raise its ugly head, and that is fear. On the one hand, there is the fear of our shame being exposed (it any one ever found out …). On the other hand, there is fear of the very real possibility of retaliation if we try to deal with the issues. 

And in neither case is the fear without ground. When we have been judged, rejected and/or condemned by others (and at some level we all have all tasted this), then the memory of how painful it was, will likely feed the fear. On the other hand, we may already have experienced the negative consequences of trying to deal with these issues, or even with the fact that there are issues (what elephant?). When we do this we are often breaking unspoken, but nevertheless strongly held, rules that may have been in place for generations. And because of the hiddeness, we may also be confused as to why we are afraid. On the other hand we may know the consequences all too well, the anger, or the punishing silences, or the loss of what little relationship we do have. And this awareness also feeds the fear. But into this we read “Fear not, for I am with you” (Isaiah 41:10). In particular we do not need to fear, because He is with us in whatever we need to go through, or endure or do. And His perfect love and presence casts out all fear. He will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

Isiah 41:10 continues with “Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” He is not promising that there will be no consequences. He is telling us that there is no need to be distressed about it, because when we chose to face the fear and do it, or face the fear by trusting in Him for the outcome, He will help us and strengthen us and give us the wherewithal to stand (1 Corinthians 10:13). On both sides of this equation the fear is basically fear of man. But “Why do you fear man that shall die” (Isaiah 51:12)? If we are going to fear, let us fear that we should miss out on allowing Him to use these things to bring us and our loved ones, into life in all its fulness (John 10:10b).
Father, we all need courage here, courage to hear the truth, and courage to speak the truth in love. And so Lord I am asking for myself and all reading this post, that You help us to put fear aside and to be strong and courageous. Teach us Lord to be kind and compassionate to each other forgiving one another in the midst of this iron sharpening iron process in Jesus Name Amen

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