Friday, June 29, 2018

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

In the movie “The Mexican” Brad Pitt is mixed up with characters who will kill him if he crosses them. He tells his girlfriend Julia Roberts, “I need to go to Mexico, if I don’t go, I will be killed!” Julia hearing the word “I” three times in this sentence replies “I, I, I, it’s always all about you!” There are two things here worth noting. The first is when we accuse somebody of something, we are often doing the very same thing, in this case thinking only about oneself (Romans 2:1)! The second thing, is that though there would not have been time in this case, interactions like this, can be used as opportunities it’s to change our thinking, to renew our mind.

The wife of a Christian couple I know told me not long ago “I didn’t realize how selfish I was until I got married!” There are two encouraging things going on in this marriage. The first is that they are is mutual submission and they are sharpening each other (Ephesians 5:21; Proverbs 27:17). The second is they are both seeking to put into practice Philippians 2:3 which says “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves.” What I am trying to say here, is that the renewing of our minds works best when we are applying Biblical principles, and are motivated by gratitude and allegiance to what God has done.

In particular it is because of the tender mercies of our God that Paul admonishes us to be in the ongoing process of being transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:1, 2). And the tender mercies of our God include deliverance from the penalty, the power and the pollution of sin. Not only this, but also the future deliverance from it’s very presence (Romans chapters 6 to 8). Cognitive psychology has cottoned on to the Biblical principal (two thousand years later) that our behaviour can be changed by the transformation of the mind. But as I have already said, this works best when (a) we have a Christ inspired motivation, (b) we use Biblical principles and (c) tap into the resurrection power available to us in Him (Philippians 3:10)!

Father, I want to thank You again this morning Lord, that secular psychology many times confirms or gives insights into Biblical principles. But there is so much more to it than the principles. Thank You not only for the motivation, but also for Your promise to change our desires and to give is the wherewithal to do what we know we should do when we fully surrender to you (Philippians 2:12, 13). Thank You Lord that I see this transforming power in those You are calling to Yourself, and I thank You for it in my own life! And I give you the honour and glory and praise again this morning in Jesus Name Amen

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